Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lizz Winstead FTW

I'm finally reading Lizz Winstead's collection of essays, Lizz Free or Die, which was her gift to me for allowing her to use a joke I made on Facebook in her stand-up act. She's a funny woman, and though I can't quite relate to her Catholic upbringing and her bouts of popularity and deserved but also lucky rise to fame, I do relate to her sense of humor and her frustration with the apathy and wrongheadedness in modern American culture. She has some damned good stories, especially that of the evening she realized she could still be funny while experiencing the ultimate wardrobe malfunction on stage.

And she legitimately and correctly uses the word "smegma" -- while referring to one of her dogs. The dog stories particularly crack me up. Especially the part about how she finally gave in to Sarah McLaughlin's caterwalling.

I haven't gotten to the part where she works with Rachel Maddow, but I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, this gem, which I totally relate to: "Like all loud funny women who wear a lot of vintage coats and have chronicc hair issues, I am the kind of gal openly gay men hunt down and give tips to on how to be a better woman. Closeted gay men usually date me for anywhere between two and six and a half years. Then they come out and give me tips on how to be a better woman."


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